Cornelius Zepter
Expositions |
A. Art-performances, organisations, activities: | |
1966 1968-1985 |
Improvisations for Jazzcombo
and Painting Drawings, Paintings and Videos; subject: "appartments, town, architecture" |
1970 -1972 | Artist_Group
ROTOHR Cologne (with Heinrich Dreidoppel, Georg Rosenthal, Ansgar Jerrentrup and Christian Zepter) |
since 1970 | Conzeption
and organisation of art-expositions, a. o.: Neumarkt (Newmarket) of Artists, KKK 1972 and KKK 1973, Künstlerische Arbeitsfelder (Artistic working-areas), Cologne 1980, |
1982 1984 1988 |
(Star-Images) Bruehl/ Rhineland |
1991 | Die
Koffer der Europa,
(Bags of Europe) International congress-exposition: Art of Textile, Kehl |
1988-2002 | Künstlertagebücher (Artist-Diaries) |
B. Expositions (one-man) | |
1965 | Galerie NOS, Duisburg: drawings, oil=paintings |
1976 | Arthotek, Cologne: drawings |
1981 | Atrium
of New Gallery - Collection Ludwig, Aachen: "OSTVIERTEL" |
1984 | VHS Essen: "Schwarze Landschaften" (black landscapes) |
C. Group-Expositions (selected): | |
1970 | "Räume"
- ( "Environments") KKK 70 (Cologne), (with Frommberger, Meschede, Reick and Rosenthal) |
1973 | Gallery Bayer, IKI , Art Fair Duesseldorf |
1978 | "Rudolph-Place - Place of Happening", Hahnentorburg Cologne |
1981 | "6 Artists of Cologne" - Art-Society Salzburg, Austria |
1982 |
Bruehl/ Rhineland "Artists in Aachen Today" - Jubilee-Exposition Suermond-Ludwig-Museum Aachen |
1983 | "Subject
Foto - 13 Artists, 13 Methods" Villa Engelhard, Duesseldorf |
1984 | "Praxis"
Exposition of Teachers and Students Seminary of Visual Art, RWTH Aachen, Stolberg-Castle |
1988 | "Nebelkammer"
(Friends of Michael Zepter and Dascha Verne - 38 Artists b. o. Joachim Bandau, Bernhard J. Blume, Dieter Boers, Victor Bonato, P. J. Buchholz, Willi Frommberger, Blalla W. Hallmann, Daniel Hees, Attila Kovacs, Fritz Lauten, Horst Lerche, Jürgen Porrmann,S. D. Sauerbier, Klaus Staeck, Dorothea Stefula, Elisabeth Vary, Thomas Virnich, Irmgard Zepf u. David Zepter)) more informations You can find here: |
D. Lectures, Performances: (selected): | |
- Kuertenfaestiwel ("Spring-Ritual" - Festival of Kuerten, Rhineland) 13th
Salon Europe |